Until now, fdx was open to select shippers who have been previewing the software since January of this year. Now, the carrier has made its platform to help shippers "grow demand, increase conversion, optimize fulfillment, and streamline returns" available to businesses of all sizes within the US.
In today's fast-paced environment, everyone wants things yesterday. While speedy shipping can be a competitive advantage, it can also come with a hefty price tag.
On September 13, the carrier announced its 2025 rate hikes, which will take effect on January 6 with an average increase of 5.9%
If you're a FedEx or UPS customer, you're likely aware of their service guarantees. After all, what good is paying for a service if the brand doesn't stand by its promise to deliver? But what exactly does the service guarantee cover? And how is it possible that billions of dollars of refunds go unclaimed every year?
Earlier this year, UPS went after profits in urban areas, asserting surcharges of $3.95 to $5.85 on packages within 82 urban zip codes. Now, the carrier is trying to save money with the expansion of its rural deferred program.
FedEx and UPS's peak season demand surcharges will be here in two months, but not everyone will be affected in the same way. For many, peak season invoices will look like business as usual. Others will pay a far higher price.
New year. Same message. UPS and FedEx have announced their 2024 demand surcharges, and shippers should prepare for a big surprise on upcoming invoices.
With both carriers offering reliable ground options, why should anyone pay a premium for a dedicated 2-day or 3-day service if a ground option offers the same transit time?
UPS and FedEx are engaged in a battle for market share, and shippers are reaping the spoils
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