Announcement: ShipRx's 2025 General Rate Increase Report
Download NowYou may feel that your company has excellent shipping rates, but who should you turn to confirm that? UPS or FedEx? Our team worked for the carriers and helped build their contracts. We can tell you how much your rates can be lowered and how to get there. Our parcel contract negotiation service frequently lowers shipping costs by 20%-30% or more. Let us show you how.
Optimize Rates with ShipRx's Expertise."We negotiated our contract by ourselves before finding ShipRx. When we had them take a look, they found an additional $100K in savings."
Electronics Distributor
Chief Financial Officer
Fill out your information below and one of our parcel experts will be in touch.
Our team of expert negotiators will drastically lower your parcel rates.
Our team has spent over 30 years negotiating parcel contracts on both sides of the table. We know what your rates should be and we know how to get them.
With only two major carriers to compare, how do you know how good your rates truly are? We combine benchmarking data with detailed analysis of your shipping operations to determine the lowest possible rates you should be paying.
How do your rates measure up? If your rates are great, we'll tell you. If not, let us show you how much you can lower them and how to do it.
Our cloud-based DataRx software automatically checks over 40 factors each week, ensuring you don't leave any refunds on the table.
No credit card required, no upfront fees. We only charge a percentage of the refunds we recover and you can cancel anytime.
5 minute setup. We upload your invoices and handle the entire refund process. Leaving you to focus on your real job.
The experts at ShipRx have negotiated thousands of shipping contracts on both sides of the table. Each negotiation is different, but you can expect the following steps:
Savings vary on a case-by-case basis, but we've helped some clients reduce their shipping costs by over 40%. In general, you can expect to save 20 - 30% when you use ShipRx for your UPS and FedEx rate negotiations. After negotiations, ShipRx is compensated by a portion of your savings, so we're always motivated to secure the highest possible savings with each contract negotiation.
No! Most carriers' contracts can be canceled with 30 days' written notice, so small parcel rate negotiations can happen at any time. The sooner you start contract negotiations with UPS and FedEx, the sooner you can start saving money.
The team at ShipRx is ready to help you reduce your shipping costs with a UPS or FedEx rate negotiation. Depending on the number of proposals evaluated, you can start seeing savings within 8 to 10 weeks. Contact us today to get started!