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Natural Disasters vs. Money-Back Guarantees

May 20, 2024 · 2 minutes read

Safety is of primary concern, but once survival is assured, you may wonder how natural disasters affect your parcels. Today, we'll discuss FedEx and UPS parcel audits— what they do and don't cover- and how to ensure you're getting the most money back possible.

What do UPS and FedEx money-back guarantees cover?

When your parcel is covered by a money-back guarantee, you are entitled to a full or partial refund or credit in case of a service failure. Failures may include late deliveries, incorrect charges, invalid surcharges, and more.

FedEx Money-Back exclusions

The FedEx Money-Back Guarantee is not valid if:

  • FedEx delivers your parcel on time.

  • The parcel was set to arrive the day before Thanksgiving or during the seven calendar days before Christmas Day, and it was delivered within 90 minutes of the new requested delivery date, time, or delivery window.

  • The shipment was undeliverable.

  • The shipper does not submit a request for refund or credit of charges within 90 calendar days from the ship date.

  • All FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground®, FedEx Freight®, and FedEx Office® not listed as eligible for the money-back guarantee.

  • Loss, damages, or delays caused by events out of FedEx's control, which, according to the non-exhaustive list on its website, includes "acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, mechanical delays, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts or omissions of public authorities (including customs and health officials) with actual or apparent authority."

UPS Service Guarantee exclusions

The UPS Service Guarantee is not valid if:

  • UPS delivers your parcel on time.

  • The shipper does not contact UPS to notify them of their claim in writing or by telephone within 15 days from the date of the scheduled delivery.

  • The delay in delivery is caused by the parcel not complying with service restrictions.

  • The shipment required extra handling.

  • Events beyond UPS's control, which may include, according to its website, "acts of God, natural disasters, war risks, acts of terrorism, acts of public authorities acting with actual or apparent authority, acts or omissions of customs or similar authorities, authority of law, insufficient information provided by a customer" and more.

How can you ensure you're getting as much money back as possible?

Both FedEx and UPS state that their money-back guarantees can be canceled, suspended, or modified at any time and without notice. With a long list of exclusions and a tight deadline to discover failures, UPS and FedEx are banking on you not requesting the refunds you're owed.

Don't let carrier mistakes enhance their revenue. Trust ShipRx to run automatic weekly parcel audits using more than 40 factors to discover refunds and automate the refund process.

It's free to get started, so contact us today and start seeing savings as early as your next invoice.

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