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Three tips to save money on shipping in 2024

Dec 22, 2023 · 3 minutes read

Trust the experts

The best leaders know when to call in the experts. You shouldn’t be responsible for mastering all there is to know about parcel pricing and refunds. However, if you are responsible for your company’s shipping strategy, you should know who to call for savings.

Shipping experts can help you level the playing field between your shipping costs and your carrier. ShipRx has over 30 years of experience in the shipping industry, and members of our team began their careers writing contracts for the carriers. Now, they’re using that industry knowledge to identify cost savings opportunities for companies with high volumes of carrier shipping.

Lowering your shipping spend starts with a free savings analysis— just fill out this form, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours to start the process.

Set up automatic parcel audits

Want to save money without any extra work? Every year, shippers leave billions of dollars worth of savings in the carriers’ pockets. Although service guarantees refund shippers for the carriers’ mistakes, they’re only given if you catch the error and request a refund in time.

ShipRx parcel audits use our proprietary software to check more than 40 different factors, including late deliveries, invalid surcharges, inaccurate rates, and packages manifested but not shipped. We’ll automatically run your shipments through our software to discover anomalies and will complete the refund request on your behalf. Once the process is complete, you’ll see a credit on your next bill.

There’s no set-up fee, and you can cancel anytime. However, with average refunds of 2 - 3%, we’re sure you’ll be satisfied with the ShipRx parcel audit service.

Renegotiate parcel contracts

After a year of strike threats, e-commerce slowdown, and a freight downturn, shippers desperate to lock in guaranteed business are willing to make compromises that were unheard of just a couple of years ago.

Although the carriers would like you to believe contracts are set in stone, renegotiating your contract is easier than you might think. Most carriers’ contracts can be canceled with 30 days written notice, so the sooner you get in touch, the sooner we can help you renegotiate your small parcel rate.

In most cases, ShipRx customers see savings of 20-30% or more. It all starts when you get in touch— we’ll tell you how much you can save and how to get there.

It’s a shipper’s market now, so there’s no time like the present to call in the shipping experts and start 2024 off with savings. Contact us for a free savings analysis and a personalized plan to save money on shipping in 2024 and beyond.

James Founding Partner