
FedEx provides shippers with carbon footprint visibility - ShipRx
Blog / Reduce your carbon footprint with FedEx
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Reduce your carbon footprint with FedEx

Sustainability. It’s at the forefront of many conversations lately, but it’s more than just a fad or a buzzword. It’s the very key to the longevity of the world as we know it. We work on long-term business strategies and mentor future leaders, but sustainability is how we’ll protect our environment and natural resources for generations. With this mindset at the forefront, FedEx recognizes “that the future of our business depends on the future of our planet, and we remain committed to minimizing the impacts of our operations on the environment.”

As part of its plans to achieve carbon-neutral operations by 2040, FedEx invites its clients to access FedEx Sustainability Insights, where they can view historical and projected CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) shipping emissions on a package and account level.

What is a carbon footprint, and how is it measured?

People, animals, and businesses all have a carbon footprint. In terms of global averages, the US is second only to China when it comes to carbon emissions. Transportation, food, consumption, and energy use determine how much carbon dioxide and methane an individual or organization creates. These rising emissions produce a greenhouse effect, which impacts climate change and pollution.

How will the new FedEx Sustainability Insights help your business?

A recent round-up of sustainability statistics showed that 78% of consumers say sustainability is important— and they put their money where their mouth is. Products marketed as sustainable grew 2.7x faster than those that were not.

FedEx Sustainability Insights is a cloud-based tool that uses “near real-time” FedEx network data to give e-commerce customers historical and estimated emissions data. The tool, created by FedEx Dataworks, tracks domestic and global FedEx Express, Ground, and Freight shipments to give you a holistic view of your carbon impact.

Your business can use this information to:

  • Note shipping trends
  • Monitor your environmental impact
  • Create reports for customers and stakeholders regarding how you impact the environment
  • Take steps to reduce your carbon footprint

To view this data, have your FedEx user ID and FedEx account number ready, and log in here, where you can transfer historical and forecasted data to your internal systems for analysis and reporting purposes.

How does FedEx Sustainability Insights fit with its long-term plans?

FedEx announced a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040. They’ve invested over $2 billion in electric vehicles, sustainable energy, and carbon sequestration, and it’s working. Despite increasing its average daily package volume by 142% from Fiscal Year 2009 to Fiscal Year 2022, the carrier reduced its emissions by almost 50% on a revenue basis.

As FedEx plans for the future, you can do your part to save the environment and money. Use FedEx Sustainability Insights to track your carbon impact, and use ShipRx parcel audit to recoup refunds when FedEx doesn’t fulfill its service guarantees. Getting started is free and takes less than five minutes, so sign up today and start saving money.

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